With each guess, you'll learn if the secret word is alphabetically before or after your guess. You'll also see the distance between the secret word and your guess.
Distance between words measures the minimum number of letter insertions, deletions, and replacements to turn one word into another:
-illumined kissed ti---mi--d kisses
"illuminated" and "timid" have a distance of 6
(insert the t, remove llu, remove ne).
"kissed" and "kisses" have a distance of 1 (replace
If the word is between "illness" and "illumined", then it must start "ill...". If guess "ill" has distance 6, then the word must be 9 letters long. Or if the short guess "i" has distance 8 and "a" has distance 9, then the word must contain "i", not contain "a", and has length 9. You can use the distances of your guesses in clever ways to get better and better!
DIXSEE is a word game that combines the simplicity of Wordle with the challenge of Semantle.
The Linux American English (/usr/share/dict/american-english), excluding words with punctuation, capital letters, and non-used single-letter words.
Nope. Your are guesses are only held locally (on your computer).
The secret words are chosen at random. They can be any word from the standard Linux dictionary.
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